BaaySCI ProPette™LiquiLock™ Premium Pipette Filter – Premium Filter for electronic pipette controllers


Premium Filter for electronic pipette controllers

SKU: BY287P6080-PF Category: Tags: , , , , ,


BaaySCI’s new ProPette™ LiquiLOCK™ is a premium disposable filter unit that prevents liquid from entering the internal mechanism of pipette controllers. LiquiLOCK™ is a multi-layered 0.8µm barrier, fused into an ultrasonically welded filter housing. When it comes in contact with liquid, the filter creates a check-valve effect. Once wet, it self-seals, halts pipetting, and completely blocks liquid from passing through the barrier. No further aspiration can be achieved until the LiquiLOCK™ filter is replaced. ProPette™ LiquiLOCK™ takes only seconds to install and extend the life of your pipette controllers. Compatible with ProPette and all popular pipette controller brands.

Additional information

Weight 1 kg